Lawn Maintenance Strategies

Weeds tend to compete with grass blades for nutrients, growth space, and water. Your yard's landscape maintenance plan should include weed removal, overseeding, and irrigation and cutting sessions.  Weed Removal A weeding hook tool contains a set of v-shaped prongs that will grasp the stem of a weed as it is being uprooted from the ground. This type of tool can be used if weeds are growing sporadically across your lawn. [Read More]

Hire An Arborist To Help You With Your Property

If you have a large property that has a wooded section, you may not know the best way to handle it. You want to make sure that you are doing what you can to make sure that the wooded areas are as healthy as possible. There are several reasons for this. One is aesthetics. It's just nicer to look at healthy trees. Another reason is environmental. That can include making sure that no invasive insects have moved into the trees in your wood lot, as well as making sure that your trees have enough space to grow and thrive. [Read More]

5 Things To Expect During A Sprinkler Installation

If you are considering a new sprinkler system installation, you may be wondering what exactly goes into the process. The following can provide a basic idea of what to expect. 1. Planning and Permitting Every new sprinkler system starts with a plan. Your installation tech will meet with you to determine your specific irrigation needs. They will work out the best location to lay lines and set up watering zones. They will also choose the best types of emitters for each area of the lawn, from far-reaching rotary and spray heads to more targeted drip emitters and bubblers. [Read More]

What To Expect With Driveway Sealcoating When You Want To Restore The Color To Your Driveway

If your asphalt driveway is a few years old and starting to lose its color, it's probably time to have a sealcoat put on. Driveway sealcoating restores the dark color of the asphalt and it also protects your driveway from damage. Here how driveway sealcoating is done. Start With Edging And Cleaning The sealcoat is applied all the way to the edges of your driveway, so the workers may edge your driveway to remove grass that's grown close to the asphalt. [Read More]